1. Visit 20 places listed on 1001 Places to See Before You Die
2. Earn Bachelor's Degree
3. Write ONE thing to be thankful for every day in a journal for 1 year.
3. Do not eat out for ONE month.
4. Finish Dylan's scrapbook.
--You gotta give it to Shutterfly for the irresistable discount that had me finishing up Mister D's scrapbook! Yay. Completed 6/15/2011.
5. Finish Olivia's First Three Years scrapbook
--I just finished her First Year scrapbook. I'm thinking they will be one for each year. Smaller goals, more manageable price tag.
6. Finish wedding scrapbook
7. Finish Lou's scrapbook
8. Finish my scrapbbok
9. Finish Rome scrapbook
10. Volunteer at a soup kitchen
11. Donate to the Anchorage Food Bank once a month for 1 year
12. Fix my teeth
13. Lose 5 pounds
--Got that one in the bag, although it is slowly starting to creep back on due to the ridiculous amount of food available during the holidays. Does this goal get reset back to "unaccomplished" if I gain it back? LOL
14. Lose 10 pounds
--Ditto on this one...
15. Lose 15 pounds
16. Lose 20 pounds
17. Lose 25 pounds
18. Lose 30 pounds
19. Organize office and paperwork
--Important documents are filed in appropriate folders and backed up. It took a bit, but the PCS orders really got my butt in gear for this one.
20. Run 1.5 miles in 15:00
21. Run the Anchorage Race for the Cure the whole length
22. Score an 80 in AFPT
23. Build the girls a kitchen set: refrigerator, oven, sink...from scratch
24. Write my mom a handwritten letter once a month for 6 months
25. Drink water only for 40 days
26. Learn how to make and finish a quilt
27. Finish a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle
28. Go camping once a month for four consecutive months
29. Start retirement nest egg
30. Build up emergency fund to at least 3 months salary
--This one felt really good to have done. In the past it was a vicious cycle of building it up and spending it all. But this time, it's there as an added sense of financial security. Flat tires, broken furnaces, you can't break me!
31. Go on a cruise
32. Take the children on a picnic at least 3 times in the summer
33. Take photography lessons
34. Overhaul linen closet
35. Learn to frame and mat
36. Put $300 into savings a month for 3 consecutive months
37. Take interior decorating class
38. Put EVERY $5 bill into savings for 1 year
39. Cook a dish I've never cooked before once a month for 6 months
40. Bake the perfect chocolate cake
41. Hike a glacier
42. Hunt and kill a caribou
I will have to come up with a new one here. My entryway bench is perfect so no need to build one.
44. Cook 10 dishes from Julia Child's Master the Art of French Cooking.
45. Introduce my hubby and children to my family in the Philippines
46. Go cross-country skiing
47. Learn to ski
--This was not a pleasant experience at all for me. My feet ached from the tight bindings or whatever they call those ski boot things. I wiped out more than I wish to admit, and I got lapped by the hubby on the bunny slope. Not a fan.
48. Learn to snowboard
49. Go kayaking
50. Watch a Broadway or off-Broadway production
--What a great experience! I took Sophia, her friend Andee, and my niece Madison to a showing of The Lion King at the Capitol Theater. We had a blast and the show itself was spectacular.
51. Watch a Cirque de Soleil show in Las Vegas
--On a girls' only trip, my sister, mom, and I watched The Beatles' Love. Great show, but what Cirque de Soleil show isn't?
52. Go on a spontaneous trip out-of-state with Lou.
53. Run 1/2 marathon
54. Send my dad a package once a month for 4 months
-I am on package two for month two. Surprised the heck out of my dad who always has to bribe and campaign for pictures. Feels pretty good to do this for him.
55. Go unplugged for one weekend
56. Redesign girls room
--While the Mister deployed to Pakistan, I busied myself by priming and painting the girls' room and renewing their bedding for a whole new look.
Since the movers broke it...new goal needed.
58. No grocery shopping for two weeks, eat what we have in the pantry.
59. Finish a cross-stitching project
60. Complete backyard makeover
--And what a makeover it was! The last summer in Utah, and we finally did it. Curbing, play area, pergola and new plants. It was gorgeous.
61. Organize pantry
62. Go whitewater rafting trip
63. Bake a pie from scratch
64. Hold King/Queen of the day for each of the children once a month every other month
65. Play a full 18 hole golf course with Lou
66. See Grand Canyon
67. No sugar every other week for two months
68. Complete emergency supply stock
69. Purchase new set of high quality pots and pans
--Calphalon Unison Slide and Sear
70. Go to an NFL game
71. Eat crab cakes in Maryland
72. Run the program at the Spy Museum in DC with Dylan
--Well, actually Louie and Dylan ran it while I kept the girls entertained in the hotel room. The main purpose was for Dylan to experience it, so I consider this one done.
73. Go on a girls only weekend
--The Cabilan girls enjoyed a Vegas trip with a stay at the Bellagio, fine dining, a Cirque show, and some heavy duty shopping.
74. Eat at Serendipity in NYC
75. Purchase a MAC computer.
--Best investment everrrr!
76. Take the children sledding
77. Play at a blackjack table in Vegas
80. Purchase a fireproof/waterproof safe for important documents
81. Eat at a Gordon Ramsey restaurant in London.
82. Eat at a Michelin-rated restaurant
--L'Atelier de Joel Robuchon. The nine course tasting menu is worth every cent. Meeting Chef Robuchon was a highlight...although my four years of French did not in any way mitigate my stammering starstruck condition. Three words: Best. Food. Ever.
83. Do not use plastic grocery bags for three months
84. Grow my own herbs
85. Grow my own tomatoes
86. Sponsor a family for Sub for Santa every Christmas
87. Provide a full Christmas to family in the Philippines
88. No TV for a MONTH
89. No new clothes for a month
90. Learn to give a proper massage
91. Take Sophia to a ballet production
93. Take pictures at the Cherry Blossom Festival in DC
94. Get a haircut I've never had before
95. Purchase vegetables and fruit from farmers market only during the summer
96. Volunteer in Dylan and Sophia's classes once a quarter
97. Create Fam Och Recipe Book
98. Organize pictures
99. Store copies of all pictures and important documents in external hard drive and put in safe
100. Read Gone With the Wind
101. Read all Jane Austen novels

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