Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Bite of Alaska: Glacier Brewhouse

  Eating out can seriously put a dent in the wallet, but the Mister and I could NOT resist when each kiddo made their way into school on Monday. (Yep, Liv the munchkin attended her first day of preschool here.) We giggled like two kids playing hooky from school as we headed towards downtown Anchorage. We wanted to save the Glacier Brewhouse for a time when we could both enjoy it.  (no little monsters demanding potty breaks NOW even when the food was just placed on the table...and since our fish allergy girl was absent, there were no menu restrictions!)

There is a humongous fireplace smack dab in the middle of the room, and I take it tables adjacent to it are in high demand. We were placed in a booth overlooking the street. No worries...we were there for the food!

Asking for recommendations, our waitress insisted their seafood chowder was the "can't miss" item.  We both ordered a cup...I could have just upgraded to a bowl of it and been blissfully happy.  Chunks of salmon and halibut and roasted corn kernels swam in the creamy thick soup.  Yum! Of course, we both chose fish dishes: he the bbq salmon and I, the panko crusted halibut.  Loved them both!

Obviously, the brewhouse brews their own beer. We opted for the non-alcoholic drinks this time, although we both promised to return to try out their wide selection.  The root beer was a little weak in the sarsaparilla, I preferred Moose's Tooth's much better. But the Mister who is not blessed with an adventurous palate as mine was pleased with it. 

Another winner!

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