Saturday, March 5, 2011

Alaska Aces!

What better place to attend Fam Och's first ever hockey game than here in Alaska? We were debating whether to watch the University of Alaska game or the Aces (semi-pro). A friend advised us to go for the Aces if we want to see brawling. OF COURSE we want to see brawling! Now we are aware center ice is the best position to watch the whole game...but we wanted to be where the action was at.  We scored seats: front row, in one of the corners. Yes, the plexiglass somewhat distorts our view from the plays on the other side of the ice...BUT, the corners are where all the smashing and bashing happens!

Perfect example below:

We were surprised at how the kids took to the game. Maybe it's because of our close proximity to the game itself that even the littlest one watched every minute. Also, during pre-game warmup, Liv waved so enthusiastically to a particular player that he tossed a puck over the glass for her.  Nobody can resist my kids! (Just kidding...well, no, not really...they're freakin' adorable when they want to be!)

Other spectators filled the arena decked out in their jerseys...and cow bells. Yeah, I know. I never knew.  But they made so much noise, the kids had to have one, too. 

 Listen below when the Aces score a goal to tie the game.

The game was an eventful one.  Many scuffles, but no gloves flew off..darn it! The tie led to an unproductive overtime, which then led to a shootout.  So cool.  We (are we claiming ownership already? It's only our first game!) ended up with a loss. But it was an exciting loss.  So, we'll take it.

I know most of you potential visitors promise to come during the warmer months.  But this is an incentive to come during the bleak winter months!

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