Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Place for Everything...Suitcase Closet

 A suitcase closet? What??? Really, when you think about it, there ARE five members in this family and we DO travel quite a bit.

We have this small closet at the top of the stairs...lacking in shelves or even a simple hanging rod.  The Mister and I had originally planned on installing shelves in there, but since all the studs were in awkward places and we didn't really want to put wall anchors in yet again, we ended up nixing the idea.  Then we cleaned up the garage and we had one extra freestanding shelf with nowhere to put it.

Before this, our suitcases were jammed under the crawl space of the stairs.  We had to squeeze in there somehow and lug out the pieces we needed when a trip was in the books. Wouldn't it be nice to just open a door and see every piece of luggage you have and simply pull it out when you want it?

And the suitcase closet came to be!

Frankly, there's not much to explain here. The hubby's deployment bags are consolidated on the top shelf. Carry-ons, the girls' Trunki's and their backpack booster seats, full-size pieces, overnight bags, garment bag, even Roxy's carry-on pet carrier are all here...in plain view...easily accessible.

Whoever said there's not enough storage space in base housing?

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