And the jumbo project starts. The boxes are out of the way. And the process of fitting our belongings into this new floorplan begins...
The only viable place we could set our TV was in front of the living room window. Not my ideal spot. But, we had to consider electric sockets, cable plug, and the position of the vents (which were in the most unlikely places, of course). Good thing, this room is vaulted so it's not so cave-like. I am thinking dove gray, yellow, and teal for this room. I am sick of the white walls already, but I've been wrestling with which color to slap on these wall(s).
The Mister says, "Welcome to our home...sponsored by Ikea and Target!"
Still so much work to do. Resources are ridiculously limited here. Shipping rates to AK is insane. Therefore, it is a pretty safe bet this transformation will be snail-like at best in pace. But I did promise a photo. So here it is. I want a bright (is flokati out now?) big comfy area rug in the living room. Our leather armchair is now nestled in front of the right bookcase. I have some prints to have framed and hung on the walls. I want to find some bright geometic pattern fabric to make into a roman shade to cover that window. The list goes on and on...

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